jada hua example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Usage and Example of jada hua 1. सारा भवन संगमरमर से बना हुआ, अमूल्य पत्थरों से जड़ा हुआ था। 1. By setting up, she inherited all the elements of the Jewish tradition 2. Who seeks to determine the character of French literature as to their setting a center, initially thinking the story 3. ? 0 for u, P u is strictly increasing and extends by continuity for x = 0 by setting P u (x) = 0;? 0 for u, P u is strictly decreasing 4. " So can we describe as repression, Freud asks then, the fact that the ego turns away from the Oedipus complex? It roughly corresponds to a parts setting and deletion (Zerstörung und Aufhebung) 5. (HyperText Transfer Protocol): protocol setting access to Web pages
Given are the examples of hindi word jada hua usage in english sentences. The examples of jada hua are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., studded, setting.
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